Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - Im afraid that this looks like diarrhoea, and as you may know from human medicine, some diarrhoea is caused by infection (eg viral haemorrhagic diarrhoea which can be caused by Parvo and other viruses - which are therefore not particularly responsive to antibiotics which kill bacteria), but most diarrhoea is caused by other things. These include dietary indescretions, liver disease, pancreatitis, food intolerence, worms, overgrowth of gut bacteria (different from infection) affecting speed of gut transit and so on. Bacterial infection would be a long way down my differentials list. However, I know next to nothing about the patient or their circumstances - your vet will look at the case in context and will be able to give you advice that is much more specific to your dog.