Home Forums Cats Drooling–but no issues?!?!

Drooling--but no issues?!?!

Published on: October 13, 2022 • By: JornGolgi · In Forum: Cats
October 13, 2022 at 09:13pm
Hi, I have a maine coon cat, about 8 years old, female. Around 2 days ago, she suddenly started drooling in random periods (maybe 10 minutes at a time, then a hour of calm before more drooling). We took her to the vet, and the vet said they could not find anything physically wrong, but they gave her acid reflux shots to see if thats the issue. Now, it's been probably 19 hours since, and she is still drooling, but far less. What is boggling my mind is that she is acting 100% fine! She plays, she eats, she takes naps and she's very friendly and acting as she is. The only issue is that she is just drooling randomly! I'll probably take her in to get bloodwork, but I'd like some more opinions. Thanks, Jorn Golgi.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 14, 2022 at 12:54pm
Hello Jorn - and of course, you and I both know, that it won't be random - you just haven't found what it is that leads to it, yet.  Perhaps it is going on on the inside, where we can't see.  A main reason for drooling would be dental disease, but of course you'd expect that to be there most of the time and it sounds as though your vet will have assessed for that.  However, another trigger for drooling is when cats are feeling sick and nauseous - drooling is a classic sign of nausea in cats and I wonder whether your vet has run bloods and checked urine, with a view to ruling out kidney disease and pancreatitis (which needs specific, slightly harder to get, tests in order to diagnose properly because we now know that blood lipase, which we used to use, is very unreliable).  The thing about cats is, that they didn't evolve a pack instinct like dogs did;  dogs find it useful to communicate feelings using body-language.  Cats, by contrast, are loners.  Perhaps if they look in pain, then predators, competitors and prey are likely to take advantage - at any rate, they tend to mask it.  It is not unusual for owners to tell me that cats are not in pain, when I can tell that they must be.   Another group of causes would be neurological - if there is a lump or bump sitting on the nerve that promotes drooling, for instance, or even in the brain.  If this were the most likely thing on the differentials list for patient, then I might consider a neurologist, but there are many vets who have a strong special interest in neurological cases themselves and don't need to refer.
October 16, 2022 at 05:55am
Hello, Liz. I bring good news, the acid reflux shots that the vet gave didn't appear to work, so 2 days later we ordered and gave the cat feline CBD oil with MCT as the carrier. We started carefully and she had no issues, so we gave her the full dose as described on the box, and we noticed her drooling stopped after a couple of hours. She is currently no longer drooling, with or without the CBD oil. We used cbdMD. Thank you for your time!
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