Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
It sounds as though your dog is receiving the following drugs: Gabapentin, Selegiline and now Trazadone. Gabapentin and Trazadone are frequently used together, particularly in the states, to treat anxiety. Selegiline is used for signs of cognitive dysfunction in dogs and cats and, according to Cornell University, can take several weeks to start working if it is going to. However, from what you've said, your dog appears to be increasingly anxious. Good questions to raise this with your vet include 1) What possible things could be happening in my dogs brain to cause the signs? 2) Is this definitely a diagnosis or are there some differential (alternative) diagnoses we need to consider? - also, would an MRI scan provide any more useful information? 3) How long should we give it to know whether these meds are working? 4) If there is no improvement, what then? 5) Is there anything we can do in the meantime to make life easier for my dog? 6) What is the evidence like supporting the use of these drugs? This conversation would probably be a good place to start.