Home Forums Dogs Eye discharge and lump

Eye discharge and lump

Published on: September 22, 2024 • By: Ale12pr · In Forum: Dogs
September 22, 2024 at 02:22am
Hi, my dog have daily eyes discharges and recently a lump appears under her eye. What would it be? 20240921_203323
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 22, 2024 at 06:21am
Hello!  That eye looks very dry and sore to me and whatever is causing this, deserves the attention of a vet.  The surface looks to be taccy rather than moist and must be impacting on the dogs' welfare; this is my main take-home message. As for what the lump could be, it could be the zygomatic salivery gland or a lump to this or other local structure; it could be infection or cancer from any of the surrounding tissues.  It could be infection associated with a underlying tooth root.   It could be a lymph node eg in infection or lumphoma.  It could be a bony lump.  Your vet will be able to examine the lesion more closely than I can and examine it within the context of the whole patient.  They will then know more than I can glean from herr and be able to offer advise regarding the best way forewsrd.  I feel that given how dry the eye looks, this conversation should take place sooner rather than later; can you get in later today?
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