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Eye problems, sore throat and sneezing

Published on: September 27, 2024 • By: hana88 · In Forum: Cats
September 27, 2024 at 04:13pm
#sorry for the long post 2 weeks ago I noticed my cat's eyes were abnormal third eyelids, blood eyes, watery eyes, barely opening them.. Other symptoms: lack of appetite, low energy level, always sleeping.. lethargy, fever, sneezing a few times in the day.. His litter box activity is normal So I took him to the vet and he said he has a bad sore throat and gave him Azithromycin 1 ml twice a day Ambroxol 1 ml twice a day Eye ointment twice a day Multi vitamins supplement We did this for 5 days But there was no improvement, he totally refuses to eat so I syringe feed him.. He still has a sore throat and sneezing He is still lazy and sleepy but less lethargic, His eyes are better.. The vet did a CBC test and these are the results.. Do they indicate FIP, Since it's my biggest concern? Thank you and sorry for my English..
September 27, 2024 at 04:14pm
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 28, 2024 at 10:54am
Hello there - Unfortunately, there is no good clinical test for FIP (which is interestingly a type of corona virus, although noting to do with with THE  Coronavirus that caused worldwide outbreaks recently).   Your vet will put clues / the clinical picture together in order to reach a conclusion and, having much more information about your vets condition than you can communicate over the Internet waves, they are the people to ask.   'How sure are you' and 'What are the implications of that?'  can be good follow-up questions in these discussions.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 28, 2024 at 10:57am
Corrected for typos, flow and clarity   Hello there - I'm afraid that there is no good clinical test for FIP (which is interestingly a type of corona virus, although not THE  type of Coronavirus that caused worldwide outbreaks recently).   Your vet will put clues / the clinical picture together in order to reach a conclusion and, having much more information about your pet's condition than you can communicate over the Internet waves, they are the people to ask.   'How sure are you' and 'What are the implications of that?'  can be good follow-up questions in these discussions.
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