Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Let me give you some more background to explain why I am not happy to give you a definitive answer. A positive FIV test is not necessarily the same thing as your cat having the FIV virus; false positive results are possible with some tests (eg if they drank milk containing antibodies from an infected mum as a baby, or after vacc). Furthermore, when a cat carries the virus, there is a difference between that and actually being ill. The virus itself is passed on through fairly close contact (mating / fighting) so shouldn't be a threat to other kennel inmates. So, as you can appreciate, the real-life situation with 'having tested positive to FIV' can vary from cat to cat. My willingness to give a cat a flu vaccine, or write them an exemption note, will vary. This really does need to be decided by your individual vet who knows the case and the context.