Home Forums Dogs Found this black thing on my dogs eyelid

Found this black thing on my dogs eyelid

Published on: June 13, 2022 • By: mack · In Forum: Dogs
June 13, 2022 at 12:04am
So while playing with my dog today I saw this smooth black looking thing on her eyelid.  Initially I thought she got something on it so tried to remove it with a wet nap. I wasent able to and realized it looked like it was in the skin. It didn't move at all while I was rubbing it and pinching it.  Now about 3 hours later. My dog is sitting next to me and the thing is gone.  There does look like a small area on my dogs eyelid where it was.  Please tell me what the heck this is.  20220612_13533520220612_135344
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 13, 2022 at 12:25am
Hello!  A strong possibility might be a tick.   Emma Norris wrote a good blog about ticks in March of this year (see our Vet Help Direct blog) and although the picture in that article looks nothing like your photo, ticks  can, once they're attached to the skin, look similar to your dogs' temporary lump. I'm not sure which country you're in regarding tick-transmited diseases, but you might want to speak to your vet in case there's anything special that they'd like you to do now.  Tick preventative treatment may certainly be advisable going forward. You should also check the rest of your dog and your own body for ticks because they grab on to people too. All the best and please let us know how you get on!
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