Home Forums Dogs Frusemide and cardisure meds

Frusemide and cardisure meds

Published on: June 19, 2024 • By: tay2020 · In Forum: Dogs
June 19, 2024 at 03:05pm
I posted this in your Facebook page and wanted to copy and paste it into here for help from vets… can’t these meds cardisure and frusemide affect puppies if I was to allow her to have this litter but I’m not 100% yet only reason I’m thinking about it is because it’s happened now :(   I know I will get hate for this 😭😞 I’m gutted!!! I have a 1 and a half Shih tzu (female) and a 13 year old Shih tzu (male)… she’s on season and I’ve booked her in to be neutered on 20th of August as that’s when vets advised she can be done… I have separated them for 2 weeks now as that’s as long as she has been bleeding… today she managed to jump a stair gate and go straight to my male dog and bout time I got to her they were stuck together 😭 I couldn’t stop them and I called my mum in a panic and in tears as I have tried my best to keep them apart, my male is on frusemide and cardi sure can they affect her or potentially her pups if she falls… I know I’ll get hate I understand it as I completely hate myself atm I should of shut the door I should of been more aware of them getting to eachother 😞
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 19, 2024 at 03:23pm
Hello - first I just wanted to reassure you that anyone giving you a hard time for making a mistake you've already identified and understood, doesnt belong on this forum.   I dont know the answer to your question and will look it up later.
June 19, 2024 at 04:59pm
Thank you for your reply and that would be amazing and greatly appreciated 🩷
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 19, 2024 at 06:58pm
Hello there - First, it's worth mentioning that there is a much higher chance of a dog falling pregnant after a confirmed mating than a human.  When you say 'if' she falls, it is worth considering that there may be a 40% chance of her doing so (it is possible that the drugs in the male increase the chance of early abortion to an unknown extent).   There have been tests done with Pimobendan in the female (i.e. where the female is taking the drugs) which show that the Pimobendan is toxic or mutogenic to the babies at high doses.  However, I am unsure whether it would affect the male's semen.  Therefore, my reccommendation would be to tell your vet what has happened as soon as possible, in order that they can call the drugs company and ask to see any appropriate informaiton on your behalf.  Another concern that they need to address, is whether the male's heart complaint is genetic and thereby likely to be passed on to any pups that might result.  I appreciate that this would leave a massive ethical dilemma for a lot of people;  my advice would be to be brave, to speak to your vet as soon as possible (please explain to the reception team that this is a time-sensitive query, because the longer the hesitation, the bigger any potential pups are getting and the fewer options you may have).  Some vets would reccommend simply speying the female now, when any potential babies are only a few cells big.  Your vet is a medical advisor and should be trained to help to solve any problems for the animal in the safest way possible, and not to judge the owner.   I'm sorry that this is a messy answer and hope that it helps a little.
June 19, 2024 at 07:55pm
Thank you so much I will be calling the vets as soon as I can 🩷
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