Home Forums Cats FVRCP (Chlamydia), Rabies, and a potential move to Japan

FVRCP (Chlamydia), Rabies, and a potential move to Japan

Published on: February 07, 2023 • By: Ailurophile2023 · In Forum: Cats
February 07, 2023 at 12:15am
My neutered indoor male cat (14y) had a horrendous reaction to potentially a FVRCP vaccine (w/Chlamydia).  However, cannot rule out because he was given Solensia on the same day.  He was hospitalized - I thought I was going to lose him.  This article is in line with what my cat had to go through: https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&catId=174695&id=10922783 Given that I have a job offer for Japan, now I am faced with having to give him two rabies shot, about a month apart. What are some considerations I need to think about regarding giving him rabies vaccinations?  I admit I am paranoid because I do not want to hurt my cat (am afraid about another life-threatening adverse event/reaction), but a job to Japan is not offered every day.  My cat is my family.  I can always turn down a job.  Am I overreacting?  Am I worrying needlessly?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 07, 2023 at 11:35am
Hello - and no, I dont think you are over-reacting.  I have been to Japan from the UK to do veterinary work;  it is a fascinating country and an incredible culture to experience.  It would also be a very long flight for a cat, with different local diseases, and it sounds as though you have a tough decision to make.  Your vet is the best person to talk to you about your cats' medical history (after all, they would have to sign a Fitness to Travel document) and they can also look up the legal requirements involved in such a move - it may be that they cannot be met, so this is important.  It could be that they think it better for your pet to make foster arrangements for a year, but you won't know if you don't ask.  Best to make an appointment to talk this over - I expect that they will have to do some research ahead of your appointment, so do let them know on the phone and ask them to warn the vet in advance as to what it's about.
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