Published on: September 24, 2023 • By: jessiemitchell · In Forum: Rodents & Small Furries
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September 24, 2023 at 04:23pm
I have also found a lump on my guinea pig, im not sure if thats its bone but its sticking out above her hip bone near her bum, and i dont think there is another one on the opposite side, im going too look more into it now and see if i can feel anything thats not normal near it.
This is hartening to read - comparing the two sides can be useful when trying to work out if something is normal. You need to know whether this lumo is in the skin / quite superficial in which case you need to see a vet very soon, or whether it is deeper / possibly internal / may involve bone, in which case we would reccommend having the situation triaged.
(That is, a typical lump will need to be checked out in the near future, but a fracture, wound or protruding organ etc may be a bigger emergency and may need to be seen out of hours, hence the triage).