Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
A big hello to you and Goose and I'm so sorry that Harvest mites have been causing him stress. My understanding is that there are currently no products licensed specifically for the prevention and treatment of harvest mites in cats in the UK. However, some prescription veterinary flea products do seem to help. Your vet can such reccommend drugs 'off license' - but these need to be prescrobed particularly for your cats. If you are in an area where Harvest mites are uncommon, they may want to seek advice first. I hear that Frontline has not worked for you, so returning to your vets and asking to try such a product would be a good idea. By law, they might well have to see, examine and weigh your cat in order to prescribe the drug, but they will advise you on that.
Best of luck - please will you let me know how Goose gets on?