Home Forums Cats Help! Sick kitten liver issue

Help! Sick kitten liver issue

Published on: September 14, 2021 • By: Kayskats · In Forum: Cats
September 14, 2021 at 03:58am
Hello. I am a foster mom to 8 kittens that I rescued. One of them is now ill with something liver related. She’s about 4 months old. Gracie had bloodwork and an ultrasound and I have been referred to the VCA in Fountain Valley. I can’t get an appointment until October 26. Her neutrophils, glucose total protein and bilirubin are high, RBC, hematocrit, hemoglobin, eosinophils, chloride are low. I don’t have the results of the ultrasound with me but no tumors or lesions were found. She had a high temp and was given SQ fluids, Onsior, Covenia, buprenex ( to go home with, she was spayed on Wednesday and the vet there discovered the jaundice and recommended the bloodwork) and Purina CN food. None of this is good and I will follow up ASAP but how long is too long to wait for an appointment and does this sound like something that will be extremely costly or something I can deal with at home? I very much appreciate the help for this sweet baby. I have a total of 18 rescues who live with me, all spayed or neutered, some my own, some foster and some feral. I sure don’t want to base Gracie’s care on money but…… Thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 14, 2021 at 11:02am
Hello!  Unfortunately it depends what is wrong, so you need to talk with your vet about this.  I know that people are sometimes worried to, but vets meet people struggling with the cost of veterinary care every day and really shouldn't turn a hair, especially not if you approach the subject in a mature way.   They ought to be able to have a conversation with you about how long is realistic to get the money together and which procedures are essential and - because they know your cat and all the ins and outs - they have the best chance of getting it right.   You are on a different continent to me and I don't know enough about their charges or your cat to give sensible answers, but advice is mostly what you pay your vet for - and although a conversation may cost you a little more money, it sounds as if it may be a good use of funds long term.  Best of luck.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 14, 2021 at 11:04am
I think good questions include 'How so you rate Kitten's survival chances long-term?'  'What are the chances of X needing lifelong care once we're over this crisis?' 'If you only had X to spend, what would you do this week' etc.
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