Home Forums Cats helping a stray with excessive scabs and skin problems

helping a stray with excessive scabs and skin problems

Published on: July 03, 2022 • By: Andrew · In Forum: Cats
July 03, 2022 at 08:35am
I live SE Asia and my neighborhood has lots of stray cats, other than being a little skinny they generally appear to be in good health. however one cat started to show up at our home and it's face and legs were covered in scabs, it's ears seem to be the worse but around its face and legs too.  I know what happens when you feed strays but I started feeding this one to help it along.  After there was no change I consulted a general pet store and they gave me a spray that smells like vinegar.  I used it on the cat and a lot of these scabs started to fall off but a lot still remains on the skin.  What has also happened now is excesses fur loss and its legs, backside, ears, and face have shed their fur. I'm really not sure if I've helped the cat or made things worse (it looks worse) and it seems to be itching excessively in areas and making the skin raw.  Today a lot of flies were around it suggesting maybe some open sores.  I'm really not sure what to do with the cat now and what sort of care it requires. I'm just looking for general advice on what things or commitment is needed that could help it, or what I shouldn't be doing. (attached is a picture)20220703_142746  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 03, 2022 at 10:26am
Oooh the poor little critter.  That looks sore.  To tell you the truth I don't know what the cause of the itching is, but if you were to ask me to guess then I'd wonder about mites, fungal disease (not always itchy in itself) or other parasites.  For mites etc to take hold in such a way, I'd also wonder whether this was a young or old animal with low immunity or one with an underlying illness.   There are many different formulae available to treat mites and if that's what it is, then it would be possible to treat the discomfort and itching at least.  However, there may be an underlying disease going on, which may or may not be severe.  A veterinary consultation you feel you can trust would be best.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 03, 2022 at 10:30am
Ps because I don't know what diseases are common Olin your area, I do not know whether or not this is likely to spread to your skin etc but this is also a thought worth bearing in mind (eg certain mites)  Local knowledge will help with this.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 03, 2022 at 10:30am
Ps because I don't know what diseases are common Olin your area, I do not know whether or not this is likely to spread to your skin etc but this is also a thought worth bearing in mind (eg certain mites)  Local knowledge will help with this.
July 03, 2022 at 10:59am
I have a cat of my own that's about 6 months old that's an indoor cat only and it is now larger than this cat but a couple of months ago they were about the same size so this cat is quite small, it is a developed male so I know it's an adult but I don't know how old it is.  It's quite passive and isn't a threat.  I feed it single portion wet food packets twice a day and I'm sure it would eat more but I don't want it to get too dependent on me or take away its previous survival skills, sometimes I think I'm feeding it too much, sometimes not enough.  Since this spray I used seems to have been the reason why it shed its fur I was going to give it some time to see if the fur grows back.  a vet check-up may be what I end up doing so I can give the correct treatment to this cat.  I can isolate it if needed, but I don't want it to become too dependent on me which I may have already started, I think I just hoped the little care I gave it would be enough but it seems to not be.
July 04, 2022 at 07:10am
today I checked on the cat and he was sleeping in the little box I had for it.  Normally he gets up right away when I come close to it but I figured today he just wanted to sleep.  Later that morning I checked again and the cat was no longer breathing and had passed away so clearly the cat had greater health problems.  I don't know how old it was too and he might have been already quite old.  This might explain it's behavior over the last few days as well as it's been desperate to get in the house it also explains the poor condition it was in.  In retrospect, I probably wouldn't have tried to use any sprays on his skin as it seems to have agitated it more instead just focus on keeping him comfortable and food/water.  I'm a cat owner myself and of course, I feel sorry for the cat but hoped I made it's last days a little better than what his alternatives would have been.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 05, 2022 at 11:21pm
Often if there is underlying disease, the skin will stop protecting the body from eg fungal / bacterial infection or parasites.   So sorry to hear this outcome but I'm sure he was better for having love at the end at least.    Wishing you peace.
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