Home Forums Cats hyperthyoid Testing

hyperthyoid Testing

Published on: March 22, 2022 • By: ceebee · In Forum: Cats
March 22, 2022 at 07:42pm
My 13 yo boy has been losing weight (6-9 months?) and always hungry (doesn't feel new..?).  Blood tests investigating something else found 'slightly elevated t4, glucose and something else'. Vet is discounting glucose and the something else as 'probably high due to stress'. Wants to retest thyroid before diagnosing or prescribing (1st vet said he'd need meds, 2nd said retest). Does this sound right? Thanks
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 24, 2022 at 04:14pm
Hello!  I don't know the figures or the patient, but it is quite common for cats to present with elevated glucose when they are stressed.  Most of the time, the sugars go back to normal again afterwards.  Diabetic cats generally have elevated blood glucose for longer periods of time, to an extent that would normally be evident from urine testing.   Did both vets give different opinions about the thyroid on the same day / at the same time and come to different conclusions?   How did this come about?  It would be unusual for a cat with mild hyperthyroidism to come to any harm if not treated immediately and not showing clinical signs, so in general if values are borderline the test can be repeated, but it would often depend on the context of presentation and you should take the advice of the vet in charge of the case.
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