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I have two kittens

Published on: July 11, 2022 • By: kawehi_89m · In Forum: Cats
July 11, 2022 at 07:19am
ones face has these two lesions. F3508E8F-C327-4D2D-9245-1482B2F256CA     and the other is suffering fur loss . DC3F0076-7493-4B18-893D-66F2644E6F21 3320562B-434A-4EDB-BD62-2F04D3254753 I’m just puzzled . They had their vaccinations and whatnot but I did have to take my gray kitten into the vet a few weeks ago because he had a diarrhea issue. they said he had no worms but they did give me a dewormer anyway and as for the diarrhea issue they mentioned they told me a pesticide or something that’s found in water . I guess it was contaminated or whatever from where I got my cat. my cat did get better and has been fine since when he did have the diarrhea issue it always was on his paws and he’d choose to make pee outside of the litter box .   my cats do have a weird tendency to like to play or lie in their litter box and yes I did change the litter when and after my cat had that diarrhea issue. I did keep the litter boxes as clean as I can when I am not at work and had two litter pans until I’d changed into a self cleaning automatic litter box which cleans after every litter cycle .   help please . The vets in my area are always crazy busy so it’s hard to get my animals an appointment .
July 11, 2022 at 07:22am
EFEA0504-0452-43E2-96E3-633C2CB4952A848B2148-41B8-45F1-AF41-EBA9576088D0 (Just additional pics of my first cat) Btw, I do have to admit that maybe for a few days or so we used human shampoo for to wash the cats but we have been using cat shAmpoo for a while so I don’t think that’s the problem .
July 11, 2022 at 07:28am
And oh, these kittens I got last month . The diarrhea issue happened right when I got him and I was told it was before I had adopted him and now the face lesions happened after the first dose of dewormer medicine and also the diarrhea medicine since the vet had me give my cat the dewormer one at night once a day for a few days at night and stop and then two weeks later start it up again (which is today ) for a few nights ago .   The face lesions thing I just noticed this morning .   and my orange cAt, we noticed it a few days ago . We thought he’d been playing too rough with the other cat kitten so we’d written it off originally but yeah .
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