Home Forums Cats IBD? Flare up?

IBD? Flare up?

Published on: February 14, 2023 • By: Nat · In Forum: Cats
February 14, 2023 at 09:32am
any advice is welcome please. My cat Pablo, 1 year old siamese has had a few episodes of diarrhoea and bloated stomach. My vet told me last time it seemed like IBD with no testing, advised a change of food for a few weeks and some steroids and symptoms did resolve. Now a few months later symptoms are back. He has bits of faces falling from his bottom and his anal sphincter looks almost like it’s loose and not closing properly? His poop is quite soft - not liquid yet but definitely not solid and he looks like he’s in pain how he sits and he’s also a lot more cuddly/ wanting attention more. I’m unsure what I should do. Thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 14, 2023 at 03:30pm
Hello.  IBD is a chronic disease, so treatment is unlimely to cure it.  Rather, it is likely to flare up intermittently and treatment may help to control it.  However, a lot of diseases connected to inflammation respond to steroids so, with that in mind, good questions for your vet include:  1) how likely is it that this is IBD / what other things could cause these signs that you havent ruled out and is there anything else that you would like to rule out?  2) Are there any other treatments or prebentative steps that we take that are kind to the body in the long term? I hope that this proves helpful for you.
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