Published on: May 25, 2022 • By: paula · In Forum: Dogs
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May 25, 2022 at 04:40pm
Hi Vets
Need help
Week ago I had my dog neutered
Two days later there was inflammation and had my dog go back to the vet and inject anti inflammatory
And my dog was taking dexamethasone and amoxicillin
It was getting better but suddenly earlier (9th day) it was super inflamed again
I continued the amoxicillin
Is this normal? Will this be okay few days later or this is emergency? Any tips for first aid?
Thank you
Hello! This looks like another haematoma, as though bleeding has started again in that area. I wonder whether your boy's blood is clotting fully for example, or whether he might have banged it. It is unusual for it to start bleeding again after so long so perhaps your vet ought to see it. It may be worth calling the emergency team for triage.
It is possible that the photograph shows bruising, and on top of the bruising, secondary effects of licking. Allowing the vets to triage is still the best next step. A lot of NSAID drugs cannot be given alongside Dex. Different sorts of pain relief, and / or some physical means of preventing licking, may be recommended.