Home Forums Cats Kitten has been wheezing for a few weeks

Kitten has been wheezing for a few weeks

Published on: February 28, 2023 • By: Vedra · In Forum: Cats
February 28, 2023 at 09:55pm
Hello, a few months back, our four young kittens were diagnosed with FIP. So far, it's been good and they are on their way on becoming healthy cats again. However, our smallest kitten (8 months old) for the past 2 or 3 weeks has had trouble breathing, has a stuffy nose and has been constantly wheezing and ocassionally sneezing, usually it's more intense when she is running or jumping around. We have consulted with a vet, and they said it was an upper respiratory problem and recommended Doxycycline for 5 days, which didn't help. She also at times tears paper and cardboard out of irritation, but I'm not sure if it's connected to her breathing problems. Otherwise, she is energetic and is eating normally. So, we're not sure what the problem is. Please help.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 28, 2023 at 10:28pm
Hello and Im sorry to hear about your kitten's breathing.   Usually, when I give a kitten 5 days worth of antbiotics, I will plan to reassess to see how they have responded.  Sometimes, things will have improved but not enough and a longer or dfferent antibiotic course will be required.   Sometimes, there will be no change to the lung sounds and I will have to think about extra therapies, or even occasionally imaging (eg x-rays) or sampling/ flushing to see if a deeper, underlying cause can be identified. Sometimes it can take a few visits to get to the bottom of a problem - remember that your vets do the job of both GPs and general hospitals, so it would be unrealistic to expect everything to be solved in a ten minute consultation.  Only kittens with certain bacterial problems will respond to one antibiotic and it may now have been too lomg for the vet to assess whether there was any initial improvement, so we would strongly recommend presenting the kitten again for a new plan to be made.   Good questions include 'When do you want to see us again?' 'Which diseases will respond to this drug?'  'What diseases might not respond to.this drug?'   Or 'What will we learn from this test / how is it useful?'   I hope that something there helps.
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