my kitten is 9 months old. one week ago, she started squatting in places outside of the litter box, as if trying to pee, but a few droplets or nothing would come out. We took her to urgent care, did urinalysis, and got course of clavamox. she was peeing some normal sized clumps at that time. by day 3 of clavamox, the pee clumps became very tiny and she continued to squat. they prescribed her gabapentin for pain, which seems to help her have fewer squatting episodes.
however. her urinalysis showed no bacteria. it only showed some protein in urine, but they still hoped the antibiotics would solve any infection causing the issues.
today was her last day of clavamox (1 week course). she was squatting around today as well and today we also noticed specks of blood on her favorite bed, one time seeing them just after she squatted. so it seems the clavamox didn’t solve her issue, and it is likely something else … stones? crystals (though no crystals or blood detected in urinalysis a week ago)? chronic kidney issues?
at the same time this happened, she was dealing with an upper respiratory infection. the day before the squatting started, she started sneezing a lot. her eyes became puffy and watery and she was a little congested. per vet’s recommendation, we started her on lysine supplements and her URI symptoms are now almost completely resolved. she also started walking a little funny a few days prior, sort of like a mild limp of her front right leg, but it is hard to explain. she still seems to walk a little funny but my partner says she doesn’t think so.
she seems totally normal, even after the blood in urine, and has had a good appetite the entire time. she eats mostly wet food, around 5-6oz royal canin kitten wet food daily, with some royal canin kitten kibble if in between. i do see her sipping water occasionally, but I believe she gets most of her hydration from her food, so we’ve started adding water to her kibble as well. her skin snaps back quickly and she seems well hydrated.
I hate to think she’s in pain or in discomfort, and it is frustrating and scary that the clavamox didn’t help her feel better. additionally, vet care where I live is extremely costly. we’ve already spent a pretty penny on her and I know once I take her back to the vet, we’ll get another treatment plan over $1000. I need help coming up with a strategy for ruling out suspected causes in an efficient and cost effective manner. another UA? bloodwork? stool test? ultrasound? I’m so worried she’s sick with something chronic and serious and am trying not to fear the worst. Thank you in advance for your advice and guidance!