Published on: July 08, 2021 • By: parkerrl20 · In Forum: Dogs
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July 08, 2021 at 11:38pm
I have a 57 lb 4 year old lab mix. Took her to the vet today and the vet had no idea what was going on. She said I’d have to take her to an ophthalmologist. It is not causing her any symptoms that I can notice like pain or irritation. it’s a tannish green color taking over her iris on both eyes. The whites of her eyes are somewhat red as well. Any ideas?
Hello! If you turned up in my clinic with a dogs' eye like this, I would also be reccomending a trip to an opthalmologist. It is difficult to be sure without an opthalmoscope and the benefit of 3D examination where the pigmented portion is, but it looks to be between the lens and the iris. Possibilities may include tumours (which may need acting on quickly) eg melanomas, other uveal cancers or uveal / iris cysts. Neither of these are painful conditions, but it's definitely worth finding out sooner rather than later what's going on in case rapid action is needed. Best of luck and please do let us know what is found.
Hmmm... At that rate there may also be the chance of systemic diseases eg bodily conditions that are affecting the eyes. Are all of these pictures of the same dog? The lower of the three pictures looks to be a completely different colour! Because I haven't seen this before, it may be worth clarifying with your vet how urgent the situation / referral is, in case they feel that more rapid action is necessary.