Home Forums Cats Leishmaniasis, please help.

Leishmaniasis, please help.

Published on: November 06, 2021 • By: emmara · In Forum: Cats
November 06, 2021 at 05:35am
Possible Leishmaniasis in cat Warning, graphic image: https://imgur DOT com/a/agyZ5pI   Hi, my cat has wounds on his neck that won't heal after 2 years. He is domesticated and friendly but has this skin problem. Symptoms: - wounds on neck that wont heal - droopy eye and possible inflammation of the third eyelid - underweight despite having plenty to eat - no changes in mood or energy as he is very sweet and affectionate   We live in a remote area in Italy and do not have access to a vet. If we can get him some oral antibiotics or antifungals from online that would be wonderful.   My uncle suspects Leishmaniasis and this is in line with the following symptoms (I've highlighted the ones my cat has): Skin lesions (ulcerative, crusty, nodular or scaly dermatitis) Lymph node enlargement Weight loss Ocular lesions (nodular blepharitis, uveitis, panophthalmitis) Decreased appetite Chronic gingivostomatitis Lethargy   I have been giving him this cream (https://amzn.to/3BOfoFB ) to heal the wound. If it is leishmaniasis I can give him some medicine to put in his food as well, but not sure which medicine and where to get it.
November 06, 2021 at 05:36am
Possible Leishmaniasis in cat   Warning, graphic image: https://imgur.com/a/agyZ5pI   Hi, my cat has wounds on his neck that won't heal after 2 years. He is domesticated and friendly but has this skin problem. Symptoms: - wounds on neck that wont heal - droopy eye and possible inflammation of the third eyelid - underweight despite having plenty to eat - no changes in mood or energy as he is very sweet and affectionate   We live in a remote area in Italy and do not have access to a vet. If we can get him some oral antibiotics or antifungals from online that would be wonderful.   My uncle suspects Leishmaniasis and this is in line with the following symptoms (I've highlighted the ones my cat has): Skin lesions (ulcerative, crusty, nodular or scaly dermatitis) Lymph node enlargement Weight loss Ocular lesions (nodular blepharitis, uveitis, panophthalmitis) Decreased appetite Chronic gingivostomatitis Lethargy   I have been giving him this cream to heal the wound. If it is leishmaniasis I can give him some medicine to put in his food as well, but not sure which medicine and where to get it.  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 06, 2021 at 10:26am
Hello!  I can also see that some of the cats' symptoms you describe match some of the symptoms of leishmaniasis but I'm glad that you checked.  From here the cross-over between the two lists is not so striking that it would lead to a  diagnosis; ongoing non- healing skin wounds, weight loss and lethargy can occur for many different reasons from liver disease to diabetes to autoimmune diseases and cat flu.  The ocular signs that you describe (droopy eye with a protruding third eyelid) sound as though the nerve to that part of the face may be involved; they are not necessarily the same as the panopthalmitis, uveitis and nodular blepharitis as listed.  This is not to say that your cat doesn't have leishmania, but that a vet needs to check.  If your guess was wrong, the time wasted obtaining the wrong drugs could be used to identify the correct disease and treat effectively - it is important not to miss this step out.  In the UK, it would be illegal to give antibiotics that haven't been prescribed by a vet for a particular animal for a particular purpose and we cannot support it. Please obtain a correct diagnosis for your cat.
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