Home Forums Cats Lethargic and not eating as much as usual

Lethargic and not eating as much as usual

Published on: August 29, 2023 • By: LyndseyD88 · In Forum: Cats
August 29, 2023 at 06:56pm
Hi one of my cats is lethargic and has just urinated on my bed like she didn't have the energy to use litter tray or couldn't control bladder. Should I book her in for an appointment and is there any help I can get as I am on benefits?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 29, 2023 at 10:08pm
Hello - this could be an emergency eg diabetic ketoacidosis (especially if drinking well), any form of dehydration, kidney disease, internal bleed and so on.  Are you registered for the PDSA? - in the UK lots of emergency vets are based at PDSA centres and may help with PDSA emergencies if you qualify, especially if you are already known to the PD.   In any case, it sounds to be important to let your vets - they will have an emergency line if they're shut - triage this situation so that if it IS urgent, at least you will have the information you need.   Always be honest about the financial situation up front - it will help them to focus on being as financially efficient as they can be on your behalf.
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