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Little bumps on ear

Published on: May 09, 2021 • By: Myathebee · In Forum: Dogs
May 09, 2021 at 11:09pm
20210509_113924my 7 month old german shepherd/ lab mix has a lot of small bumps on both of her ears. They do not seem to bother her.  She is a inside and outside dog and usually will lay on our deck so not where bugs can get to her. Can someone please help me figure out what they could be?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 10, 2021 at 10:40am
Hello!  There are lots of possibilities and the only way to distinguish between them (and any others) would be to trial treat or do tests.  These include - off the top of my head - allergy, folliculitis (inflammation of the follicles - may explain punctate appearance, due to infection or parasites), parasite bites, fly bites, autoimmune disease, urticaria (doesn't usually persist).  Allergies are usually extremely itchy, where as a mite that lives in the follicles, Demodex (can cause folliculitis and patchy hair-loss), is not at all itchy.  A biopsy would often give a lot of information, but as the lesions may yet resolve, your vet may offer treatment or other tests (e.g. a deep skin scrape to rule out demodex, or local anti-inflammatory treatments) first.   Best of luck and please do let us know what they find.
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