Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - it's hard to tell from this angle. The testicles are normally one in front of the other but they should each feel the same to the touch. A normal testicle has an extra part-lump on the back known as the epididymis, which represents the junction where the sperm duct joins the 'ball.' It can be surprisingly prominent in some dogs. However, if the testicles or epididymii differ in size from each other, or one feels harder or hotter or more painful than the other, then it is definitely a cause for concern. As to a pinker colour, this might suggest problems or may simply be a sign of superficial inflammation eg allergy or self-licking or mild inflammation of the skin. Obviously, your vet can get closer than I can; they will have palpated many testicles and should be able to reassure you or instigate more tests very quickly. We would therefore reccommend booking an appointment.