Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - I'm afraid that the urgency depends on what it is, and what it is, is difficult to tell from here. In general with lumps, the sooner they are identified, the better, but few are blue flashing lights emergencies tgat can't wait a few days. Sometimes, lumps suddenly acheive a size where they are spreading (cancers), or getting caught on the teeth and bleeding (inflammatory lumps). However, it is difficult to tell from here what sort of time scale will make the difference. Vets tend to triage on the phone and then assess the urgency again when they see the lump and plan any work, because often there is also a short wait between the first appointment and any investigation or treatment. Possibilities may be wide ranging in severity, including inflammation / reaction to plaque or pressure from nearby teeth, hyperplasia (overgrowth) of the tissue, cancers - malignant or benign - polyps, ulcers (especially if secondary to some internal problem such as uraemia caused by disease), insect bites, allergy and so on. If the case is getting worse very rapidly, your vets may reconsider their triage. Wishing you and the owner of the lumps all the best.