Home Forums Cats Male or female

Male or female

Published on: April 20, 2023 • By: Emlovescats6 · In Forum: Cats
April 20, 2023 at 05:02am
I recently rescued a cat and I am unsure about the gender. Could someone please tell me if my cat is male or femaleScreenshot_20230419-230217_Gallery
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 20, 2023 at 08:56am
Hello!  You can actually do this for yourself.  If you look for two holes in your cats perinneum, one - the anus - directly below the tail and another lower down.   In a female, the lower one is a slit, not a round hole, and starts almost immediately after the hole for the anus finishes - there is no (or maybe a negligible cm of) hairy fur in between.  In a male, there is a gap between the anus and the second hole, which in a male is round and represents the end of the penis.  Sometimes one finds testicles or just the ghost of where the testicles once were / are going to appear, in the gap between the anus and the end of the penis.  I'm not allowed to sex animals for you online but I hope that that helps!
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