Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - I have so many questions. How did you find and identify tapeworm eggs? What sort of tapeworm? Were these products prescribed by a vet for use together? It sounds to me as though you have been using two known flea treatments, but not a comprehensive worm product. Tapeworms can be spread in the absense of fleas, so if worms are present then using flea treatments alone will not get to the bottom of it. Roundworms do not sound to be covered at all. My advice, where any two drugs have been applied simultaneously, would be to take advice from your vet, pharmacyst or emergency vet in order to ensure that the specific drugs given can be safely used side by side. More generally, you should speak to your vet or pharmacyst about the potential parasite risks facing your pet - this varies from pet to pet, household to household, country to country - and have them reccommend an appropriate approach to antiparasitic control, as suited to the specific situation.