Home Forums Cats My cat can’t breathe out of her nose, some kind of rhinitis?

My cat can't breathe out of her nose, some kind of rhinitis?

Published on: December 18, 2021 • By: KathrynAnne40 · In Forum: Cats
December 18, 2021 at 01:35am
She was given two covenia shots, one week after another, to try to stop this. She started with fever and sneezing. The second week after the first shot, her nose was completely stuffed. The only thing that cleared it up was a steroid shot. It was clear for 3 days, but her nose was stuffed again after that. They did a nose culture, which came back normal. She's had a nose surgery to look for polyps or tumors, which none were found. Her feline leukemia test and FIV test were both negative. We are at wit's end. She's also done a round of Clavamox liquid antibiotic, which didn't help at all. I have her on a nebulizer with steroids daily, but it doesn't seem to help much. Please help! I love her and don't want to lose her. We've spent over $1000 trying to cure her!
December 18, 2021 at 01:36am
She is having a hard time now breathing from her mouth too, but she is still eating and drinking water, but her energy is low.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 18, 2021 at 11:24am
Hello!  I'm sorry that you and your girl are having such a hard time.   It's good news that she doesn't have FIV and we hear that she is not responding to various antibiotics, so what could be causing it? Well, if I was your vet then the first thing I'd be doing - once I'd stabilised her breathing enough that it felt safe - would be to localise the problem in the respiratory system.  Your vet has probably done this already since you use the term 'rhinitis.'  In rhinitis, the problem comes through the passages of the nose, which may be narrowed eg due to the patient's anatomy, cancer, polyps, inflammation,viral disease etc and the reason for this would dictate the treatment.  For instance there is no point simply giving antibiotics is there is a polyp blocking the nose and nor do antibiotics treat viruses, although they can treat secondary bacterial infection. It sounds as though you need to ask your vet some very direct questions instead: what could be causing the nose to be inflamed (that's what rhinitis means); which cause is likely to be responsible in this case?  What treatments can they offer; what do we they think of the response they have seen and where should you go from here?  Sometimes treatment is multifactorial and the condition is chronic, so cure may not be expected and treatment may be needed on an ongoing basis. Wishing you all the best of luck.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 18, 2021 at 11:28am
It sounds as though your vet has done some investigations in this case; therefore good questions would be: 'What causes of rhinitis have been ruled out?'. 'What does that leave?' 'Whete can we go from here' and, sometimes, 'Would a specialist add anything here?'.  We hope that that helps.
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