Home Forums Cats My cat is acted unusual

My cat is acted unusual

Published on: September 09, 2023 • By: Wasteofspace · In Forum: Cats
September 09, 2023 at 10:29pm
My cat is a 2 and a half year old neutred male. Around 18:00 he throwed up a hairball which is not unusual because he has medium long hair. But after that he started walking very slowly and growling if we touched him. He never done that and seemed normal all day. Then he went to a dark room and just laid there and if we entered the room he growled. After the few hours he got up and seemed normal and don't growl if we pet him. Few things to add:
  • The previous night he slipped when he tried to jump to the window and fell.
  • His litter box was cleaned yesterday evening and since than he urinated and pooped too.
  • In the morning and afternoon he didn't eat his meals which are mainly wet food. But he ate a little bit a few hours ago after he got up.
  • He is an indoor cat with supervised outdoor time.
  • He is up to date with all of his vaccines and the last check up was a month ago.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 11, 2023 at 12:31pm
So it sounds as if your cat underwent a traumatic incident and since then has been showing signs frequently associated with pain and possily with injury.  This sounds to be worth a vet check - perhaps you could call the vets and ask for an appointment, and explain that about the recent trauma as you may need to be triaged / seen sooner rather than later.
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