Home Forums Cats My cat is having accidents

My cat is having accidents

Published on: March 10, 2022 • By: jazminrkelly · In Forum: Cats
March 10, 2022 at 11:14pm
I adopted a 2yr old (fixed) male cat 6 months ago. I adopted a second cat 2 months later (fixed) 7month old male. He has now been having "accidents" quite frequently. Typically on my bed but sometimes on the couch/floor (just pee). I have 2 litterboxes. I have tried different litter box sizes, different style (opened/enclosed), different litter, different placements. It's cleaned daily. I always pick him up first when I get home and then will show attention to the kitten once I'm done with him. They have places to hide/climb. We play every night. They have multiple food/water bowls. Also, they get along!! They cuddle and play together constantly. My vet did a huge workup, no UTI/bladder/kidney issues, also no ocular issues. I'm going to try CBD to see if it helps. I'm at a loss. It has me insanely stressed out. Any advice?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 11, 2022 at 10:39am
Hello!  It's interesting how you put inverted commas around the vital word here - accidents.   I think that what we need to know is whether these are accidents or not - is your cat simply unable to hold their urine?  Is it just dribbling out on its own without conscious control?  Perhaps there is more more urine than usual, or it seems really urgent.  In these cases, you need to keep seeing your vet.  However I'm going to assume for the rest of this conversation that we are talking about a behavioural issue - that your cats' choice or urinary sites simply doesn't correspond to yours.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 11, 2022 at 10:43am
There is a vet called Sarah Caney, who is an absolute expert in this.  Check out the blogs that she has written on this site (see our blogs section) and check out her own Website, iCatcare, because there will be valuable information on there.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 11, 2022 at 10:47am
One thing that I have picked up is that it helps to draw a map of your house - just a very basic plan - and get two colours of felt tip, one for each cat.   Then, at a particular time (as you pick, ten minutes past the hour every hour you're home in a day), simply mark on the plan where each cat happens to be hanging out.   What you tend to find is that each cat has their own and, if they're friends, mutual territory.   Each cat may also have 'corridors' that they use to get through the other cats' territory eg to get to toileting sites and food.    Which cat uses which cat trays?  What are the routes they use through the house?  Any information like this can be useful!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 11, 2022 at 10:57am
It's lovely - and quite special -  that your cats are friends and collaborate.  However, even within colonies, cats have territory rules.    Is one cat's tray in another cats territory / close to the other cats urinary site?   Which toileting sites is each cat happy to use and which do they avoid?  Where DOES the cat want to go most often?  Can you put a tray there?   I have known owners bring a suitcase out of the loft and put it in a cats' access corridor to the toilet site and the cat therefore avoid a perfectly nice toileting site because they're scared of walking past it! If this doesn't throw up anything helpful then a vet, particularly one who like behaviour, may be able to help.   I wonder whether your vet would be prepared to refer the case to a behavioural specialist? I hope that something here helps.
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