Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! I sympathise with Gus, as a fellow diabetic. I also know that treatment for diabetes can be expensive, not least because the disease is chronic ie ongoing. I can't discuss the future costs of Gus's treatment because I don't know him, but think it is important that you understand what your vets have tested and why, what the results represent and how this benefits Gus. It doesn't change the cost, but can help to put you on a level of understanding to appreciate what costs you can expect in the future. For instance, how often will tests need to be done? Might Gus go into remission?
You pay your vets to help you to understand how best to manage the condition with what money is available, and to achieve this, talking about what money is available is vital. We often find it hard, but Drs consider costs when it comes to human healthcare too. In the UK the difference is that this is done behind closed doors, so in this culture it can feel a little awkward. However, I hope that an open conversation with your vets about this can at least prepare you for what to expect.