Home Forums Rabbits My rabbit will not eat or take his oxbow critical care

My rabbit will not eat or take his oxbow critical care

Published on: September 09, 2022 • By: mak220 · In Forum: Rabbits
September 09, 2022 at 01:06am
Since Tuesday my rabbit has not been eating or pooping the regular amount at all, his poop has become very dark and hard i took him to the vet on Wednesday and the dr. Informed me that he does not have GI Stasis but prescribed me some oxbow critical care. My bunny took it easily the first day but now he is refusing to be syringe fed and the last time I tried… he was under great stress. Today my rabbit is only really eating vegetables and not hay… he hasn’t drank much water   or even went to the bathroom yet, since Tuesday he has only pooped in small amounts at night   I’m worried and feeling out of options here I have tried switching his food… it has been 95 lately and I don’t have many options of cooling the room down so maybe it could be the heat…
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 10, 2022 at 02:22am
Whatever the cause of a lack of interest in food for a rabbit, it is serious.  Rabbits in the wild spend most of their day chewing.  When rabbits do not chew enough, their teeth become imperceptibly longer, which prevents the mouth from closing properly.  In these cases, the skin of the mouth and the face appear to close as before, because the soft tissues of a rabbits' face are flexible.  But the jaws do not come together the same, so they grind down food less efficiently.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 10, 2022 at 02:25am
Furthermore, a rabbits' digestive system needs to be kept moving with fibre all the time.  If not enough fibre is coming into the stomach and the guts stop moving, then this can lead to some unpleasant secondary diseases, such as ileus or gut stasis.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 10, 2022 at 02:30am
The upshot is, that it is vitally important for rabbits to keep eating; where humans can, if they have to, go for a day or two without food, a rabbit should not; a rabbit that is not eating is an emergency.  It sounds as though your vet is trying to keep your rabbit eating, but if their efforts so far are not working then please contact your vet;  repeat visits and possibly even emergency first aid may be required.
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