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Mystery Illness - potential botulism

Published on: March 06, 2022 • By: CMS15 · In Forum: Dogs
March 06, 2022 at 03:13pm
Hi All, I just wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions or advice at all. My male Labrador is 3 years old and around 18 days ago started being uncoordinated whilst walking. It was very sudden onset and within 1 to 2 days went completely downhill and couldn’t stand up without help. He was taken to the vets initially and they recommended rest and to bring him back in 2 days if he wasn’t any better. He wasn’t, so we brought him back and he had X-rays of his full spine (Neck to Tail) hips and elbows and everything looked perfectly normal. Following this he also had a blood test and again this showed that he should have been in perfect health. Following on from this he had a spinal tap, which showed nothing at all. Our vet suggested it could be Botulism which we thought could fit with his symptoms as he does occasionally eat something he shouldn’t whilst out walking. We’re now on day 18 and if it is botulism we should expect to see an improvement within 14 - 24 days. He has shown no signs of improvement with his walking, however does seem a bit perkier (wagging his tail more and rolling himself around on the floor more). I must add that he has just finished his first week of antibiotics of a 2 week course, this is to rule out any other bacterial cause or secondary infections. The vet has suggested if we get to day 24 and there is no improvement then we can try some steroids to see if that helps anything. The other symptoms he has is a slight cough, although it’s not really a cough. Is sounds as if he has something stuck in his throat (like a crackly sound) almost like he’s got a bit of water stuck. He doesn’t cough but just gags, and this is occasional, not constant. This is something that I’ve read could fit with botulism. Other than this he is eating and drinking fine and has no other symptoms apart from being a bit chesty and not being able to stand or walk unsupported. He shows no signs of pain anywhere whatsoever. He is very aware of his surroundings and can move his head okay. Just wondering if anyone has any other potential diagnosis’s we can explore or any experience with this condition in dogs. Thanks in advance and any questions welcome if there isn’t enough detail.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 06, 2022 at 08:27pm
Hello!   It sounds as though your vet is currently treating this case and it would really be quite unprofessional of me to muscle in with an opinion, especially as I haven't seen a neurological examination of this patient and am therefore not clear as to what they can do and can't, what nerves are working and aren't, or of the treatment trajectory.  However, it sounds as though you are eager for more information:  I am unsure whether this is confirm what your vet has proposed, or because you are actively questioning it, or just wanting support to know that the right thing is being done.   Either way, at this point in proceedings, I  would suggest considering a referral to (or perhaps asking your vet if they talk through the case with) a specialist in neuromuscular diseases, who can evaluate the case for you and give you a proper, reliable second opinion on what is clearly quite an unusual case.  Wishing you both all the best here;  I do hope that you will come back and tell us how your boy gets on.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 06, 2022 at 08:30pm
PS  It is lovely to hear that some improvement is being seen and that some tail-wagging is being observed, because this implies that messages are able to pass from the brain to the tail.   If your boy is sounding chesty, i wanted to check that your vet is aware of this, in case of aspiration etc.  Wishing him all the best for now.
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