Home Forums Dogs Mystery Kidney Issues

Mystery Kidney Issues

Published on: April 30, 2022 • By: bsmallidge · In Forum: Dogs
April 30, 2022 at 12:38am
Hello Vets! Posted below are the results of lab work done for my dog in the last year. For context, we have a 5 year old cattle dog mix (?). We adopted her from a local shelter 3 years ago, so we don’t know her exact age, breed, or history. She eats, drinks, plays, and acts like your average dog. She is fairly high energy and has never shown any signs of being sick, other than short bouts of vomiting and diarrhea when big changes in life happen. She’s a fairly sensitive and, at times, fearful dog. Last year, we took her in for a dental cleaning and completed blood work before anesthesia. They found a high wbc count along with a few other abnormalities and a positive test for hookworms in her fecal sample. We treated her for hookworms and did a round of antibiotics. Her dental cleaning went well with no issues other than a little plaque buildup. After the treatment, we confirmed she was free of hookworms and we did another blood draw that had the same results. I was due to be induced the following day, so we decided to wait to do further testing since she was showing 0 signs of being ill and we had a big life change coming. We recently completed new labs and found a high WBC count (an increase in basophils with a decrease in lymphocytes since last year), increased creatinine and SDMA, and the vet noted that her cortisol was on the the edge of the normal range, but she didn’t feel it was clinically significant enough to suspect Addisons, although she said some vets may feel her numbers warrant a test. Addisons was something we loosely discussed last year because of her sodium/potassium levels and her vomiting/diarrhea, but that has since resolved. We completed X-rays and both vets felt that there was nothing of note in them. She described this as a ”bit of a head scratcher,” and unfortunately I have been working between our usual vet and another vet in the clinic as our usual vet has been out of the office. I love and trust our vets, but I am hoping for other opinions on any possibilities of what may be happening and where to go from here. Thank you for your time!! I really appreciate any guidance we may receive66020839-702A-4608-8832-F197B5B861398528EA9A-DE86-4D9A-87D6-77046B221C01D0668863-1258-4FAE-8E11-295E16F34461
April 30, 2022 at 12:42am
April 30, 2022 at 12:44am
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