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Need help

Published on: December 02, 2023 • By: hellosexy · In Forum: Dogs
December 02, 2023 at 09:23pm
My baby Reed have this spot on his side and I don’t know where or what it isimage
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 02, 2023 at 09:58pm
Hello!  Im afraid that this is quite difficult to identify without having a close look or much context - I think I'm looking at a raised area on the flank of a dog, under the fur.  From here, it might be a wound at the surface of the skin that has bled into the fur, mking a scab.  It cod be an infected wound eg a bite wound.  It could be a lump eg a lipoma that has been scratch or scraped, or an abscess or a tumour.  It could be a foreign body that has entered the skin and prompted an inflammatory reaction in the tissues around it.  Some of these things could cause what we used to call 'wet dermatitis,' an area of inflamed, exudative (produces sticky discharge), superficial skin, that spreads out sideways and is often crusty and pussy.  Because my view is somewhat restricted, I should point out that I can't rule out ringworm (although it doesn't look at all typical) so please wash your hands after handling and take care, just in case. Many of these could be treated with a targetted shampoo but not all.  It does make sense to let your vet have a good look, especially if the sore area is growing.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 02, 2023 at 10:02pm
If they cannot identify the problem, your vets will have a choice to make, as to whether to trial-treat or test / biopsy.  Please will you let us know how you get on?
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