Home Forums Cats No appetite, Vomitting, Lathergy, Swollen Stomach

No appetite, Vomitting, Lathergy, Swollen Stomach

Published on: May 23, 2022 • By: vexx · In Forum: Cats
May 23, 2022 at 05:58pm
I'm a but angry... I've been to 2 vets in the past 24 hours and they are both saying different things. First one said she has mammary gland hyperplasia, the other one said she can't say for sure! Only way to find out is to fork out 700£ which I don't have. Kitty 13months started vomitting last Friday in the evening, this was food. Then she started to vomit yellow bile, after first visit to vet she received an injection to help with this, and since hasn't vomited in the past 24hours. However this morning the kitty seems lifeless. Still not eating, but drinking. I took her to the vets and she received pain relief and and food supplement I can give her through a syringe.   Stomach is still swollen, lathergy is ongoing and still no appetite.   HELP      
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 24, 2022 at 01:17am
Hello!  So your cat presented with  vomiting 48 hours ago, with a swollen abdomen and is now lethargic and off food but not drinking.  This sounds to be to be an emergency situation and may require fluids to treat dehydration, so with the small amount of information I have available, I would recommend having a vet assess your cat again now - perhaps over the phone triage - in order that fluids (eg a drip) can be delivered if necessary.   Your vet mentioned mammary hyperplasia - it is possible that your cat has this, in addition or association with the cause of the bloating and lethargy.  Might unexpected pregnancy be a possibility?  Either way, it sounds from your description as though this animal may need emergency attention.  Best of luck for both of you and please let us know how you get on.
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