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Not pooping

Published on: March 02, 2022 • By: 2hndsful · In Forum: Cats
March 02, 2022 at 02:25pm
My kitty is on cage rest with a broken pelvis. He has only pooped once here at home. He pooped before coming home from the hospital and 3 days ago. He is still on pain meds, could that be why? Still not standing/walking. Been a little over a week since injury. Ive been adding pumpkin to this diet and I heard a little olive oil would help. Any suggestions? Thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 02, 2022 at 04:58pm
Hello!  How much does your cat poop normally and is he eating?  There are lots of possible explanations for what you describe, including a gap in eating (can lead to a gap in pooing a few days later), pain (I wonder whether his pain releif is enough for him, as pelvic pain would put me off straining to go to the toilet!) or an unwillingness to deafecate in his  crate / where he sits (cats would prefer to be hidden away when they poo / away from where they would normally lie).  Of course there is always a concern that a poorly-healing pelvic fracture can put pressure on the guts in some cases.   It is definitely worth talking over these potential problems and how to tackle them with your vet.
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