Published on: November 14, 2022 • By: teothefakepoodle · In Forum: Dogs
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November 14, 2022 at 02:30am
Hello! I have a 14 year old small poodle named Teo, a few days ago his breathing rhythm changed, instead of an even in and out it's now shorter and harsher breaths, he also makes very small snoring noises as he breathes, I might take him to the vet tomorrow but i can't take the worry off my mind so i found this forum, hopefully someone might be able to help!
Good morning.... I'm sorry to say that abrupt changes in breathing usually are something to worry about. They should be treated as emergecies, in order that the life-threatening amongst these cases can get help quickly. Some of these will not be so severe but even so, treatment is better sought earlier rather than later, especially when signs are getting worse. Hopefully you have managed to see a vet this morning so that Teo can be properly assessed.
Good morning.... I'm sorry to say that abrupt changes in breathing usually are something to worry about. They should be treated as emergecies, in order that the life-threatening amongst these cases can get help quickly. Some of these will not be so severe but even so, treatment is better sought earlier rather than later, especially when signs are getting worse. Hopefully you have managed to see a vet this morning at thr latest, so that Teo can be properly assessed.