Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! I'm afraid that this is a question for your vets, or their emergency out of hours provision. This is because the required treatment depends on what is wrong, and I cannot reliably diagnose, or even fully / scientifically describe the symptoms of, your piglet from the information I have in front of me. Therefore it would be unprofessional of me to attempt to recommend treatment. In the UK, it is a legal requirement that any meds given to an animal have to be prescribed by the animal's own vet (or else their nominated out of hours providers). This rule exists for good reasons and this website isn't intended as a means of by-passing it; please check the site rules and do contact your vets / out of hours vets for advice about where to go from here with your piglet. Best of luck - and we hope that you manage to help your wee piglet to feel more comfortable soon.