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Home Forums Rodents & Small Furries Prarie Dog

Prarie Dog

Published on: June 13, 2021 • By: pasmackie · In Forum: Rodents & Small Furries
June 13, 2021 at 07:25am
Hi , i bought 2 prairie dogs from the market, they were roughly almost 3 months old and ive had them roughly about a month now. one gave me a little bite and i got paranoid and got a tetanus and rabies shot. its about 10 to 14 days on. the prarie dogs are still looking healthy and playful and im supposed to have my 4th rabies shot now but dont feel the need to get it. 1)should i be worried about rabies? 2)wouldnt my prairie dogs be dead by now if they had it?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 13, 2021 at 08:27pm
Hello!  From your question, it doesn't appear that we live and work in the same country and furthermore I treat animals and not people;  please note that any technical information about your health needs to come from your Doctor and not from a vet. Rabies may have a very slow onset - I believe that it has to work its way along the nervous system -  which means that clinical signs can occur a long time after a bite.  Even in humans, an absence of clinical signs a few weeks after a bite may not mean that there will be no consequences in the future.   However, as I said, I am not your Doctor and have no up to date understanding of how the Rabies vaccination works in the human.  It is your Doctor's job to know the risks and how to avoid them and would strongly advocate taking their advice. I only know that in animals, if a vaccine course is not completed, it cannot be guaranteed to work and this would, for example, completely invalidate the pets' health insurance should there be problems further down the line.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 13, 2021 at 08:47pm
For your information, I have never heard of a case of Prairie Dogs or other Rodent species passing on Rabies.  They are not Canids; they are Rodents.  However, you need to take your Doctor's advice on medical matters.
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