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Private Issue with Cockapoo

Published on: September 02, 2024 • By: dalyapeek · In Forum: Dogs
September 02, 2024 at 03:43pm
Hi there, A few months my dog had a yeast infection and it cleared up with the medication. Now she has a big issue with her private area and it doesn’t look good at all. We went back to the vet a few weeks later and they said she hasn’t got a yeast infection anymore and that its just where she has rubbed her bottom on the floor and aggravated it. We got given anti inflammatories but it hasn’t got better. I feel like I’m spending loads of money at the vets for not the right solution and it’s just getting worse. Can someone help me with what this could be? She hasn’t been right since she was spaded. Thank you! 1be63de6-26f1-4a7c-993e-f0b2429531ff
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 12, 2024 at 10:34pm
Hello - it looks as though the folds of the abdomen are creating a crease, which is rubbing - thus causing superficial damage to the skin. Damaged, warm or even damp skin folds are prone to superficial yeast infection; the yeasts get in because of rubbing or allergy or skin change weakening the protective skin barrier in that area.  Next time, attending a second (follow-up) consultation (usually cheaper than the first one) is worthwhile, even if the immediate superficial problem has resolved, so that you might discuss the bigger picture.  It could be that your dogs' conformation, or underlying hypothyroidism, other endocrine disease, parasites or allergy could be perpetuating the issue, making it a chronic (ongoing) challenge.  As well as this, are there products or procedures that your vets can  reccommend that may help to lubricate the area and prevent rubbing in future?   What about bathing and drying?  IN some situations, reconstruction around the folds can be beneficial; in others, moisturising or barrier cream may do the trick; in still others, it can be a case of treating underlying disease. Wishing both of you the very best of luck.
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