Home Forums Cats Red mark in ear?

Red mark in ear?

Published on: January 29, 2022 • By: linneaglam · In Forum: Cats
January 29, 2022 at 11:23am
0654F390-3A57-4E38-9488-E0AB3036D8B5I recently found this mark on my cat. What could it be?? He is not disturbed by it and isnt scratching more than normally..
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 29, 2022 at 12:56pm
Hello- and that's a strange one.  I want to examine it more closely, but best for your vet to do that.  Is it that a blood vessel has broken, causing a contusion / bleed?  Or is it something on the surface?  Another possibility of course may be something external to the cat stuck on there, or some kind of lump / cancer.  I think that your vet should take a closer look.  If a bruise seems like a possibility and there might be a few days to wait, there may be sense in calling your vet for triage (because I cannot be sure what I'm looking at - in case of clotting problems etc).  I would be interested to hear when you find out.
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