Home Forums Dogs Red spot on chin

Red spot on chin

Published on: September 01, 2022 • By: raluca375 · In Forum: Dogs
September 01, 2022 at 06:49pm
Hi my dog has this red bump on his chin. It looks almost raw. Doesn’t seem to be bothering him too much. I’m just hoping it’s not a mass or anything. Any ideas what it might be? 6045F93E-552B-47A6-B63B-1810CD15989C487BE44E-63D5-4A78-934D-62CE8599E75A3C5C359C-1B58-4E8D-885F-DF0507FF07BC
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 02, 2022 at 01:04am
Hello!  A 'mass' is simply tissue that takes up space - the concern is whether a mass is, for example, inflammatory (i.e. a reaction to something) or cancerous (which can be benign or malignant).  Sometimes in that place, a combination of allergy and drool, or even a tooth rubbing, can lead to some interesting lesions. Your vet would examine the area for clues and may propose trial treatment to see how it responds, or may require a sample in order to assess the cell-types within the lesion.  It's well worth showing to them (inflammatory sounds mild, but sores can get wider very quickly sometimes).  Please do let us know what happens next.
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