Home Forums Cats Respiratory infection in 2 week old kitten

Respiratory infection in 2 week old kitten

Published on: April 07, 2024 • By: LAStrickland · In Forum: Cats
April 07, 2024 at 01:54am
My 2 week old kitten has a respiratory infection. He was seen by a local vet and given antibiotics. Clavamox was prescribed at 1 drop into mouth twice a day. He is unable to nurse so we are hand feeding him until he regains his strength. Is the prescribed amount enough to help fight the infection? Is there anything else i can do to help him fight the respiratory efforts to enable an effective recovery? I am worried he will not survive and want to attempt any and all measures to ensure healing and weight gain. Any additional suggestions that i can be doing are greatly appreciated.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 07, 2024 at 02:58pm
Hello and I'm sorry to hear that your kitten's poorly.  It is a legal requirement that antibiotics are prescribed by a veterinary surgeon for the individual kitten.  The type of antibiotic is dictated by the type of bug that is likely to be causing a particular problem in that particular animal.  Many respiratory diseases are not caused by bacteria.  The length of course is dictated by research and the dose is usually based on the size by weight.  Underdosing antibiotics can be dangerous, because only using enough antibiotic to kill the easy-to-kill bacteria can leave resistant, difficult to kill bacteria behind with no competition.  Overdosing antibiotics can lead to side effects.   Luckily it is a legal requirement of prescribing that your vet leaves clear instructions regarding the dose for the patient on the label;  please go back to them with any queries and avoid dosing animals with antibiotics otherwise.  I'm sorry for this disappointing but necessarily consistent message but I'm sure you are aware that answering your question by guessing a dose, is not consistent with good veterinary care for your patient.
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