Home Forums Cats Royal canin calm food for FLUTD

Royal canin calm food for FLUTD

Published on: February 12, 2022 • By: hcribbs · In Forum: Cats
February 12, 2022 at 12:25pm
Hi vets ! I have had my cat on Royal canin calm (prescription diet) for almost a year now, but upon doing some of my own research I have found that this may not be the healthiest food for him, he has feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) I’m wondering if there is something healthier that I can give him for this issue or if maybe my research is wrong about this issue ?? Should I bring him to another vet for a second opinion?? Thanks so much in advance To add; the food can be more expensive or less, money isn’t an issue I just want my boy to be as healthy as I can make him!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 12, 2022 at 10:22pm
Hello!  What is it that you have found out about that you feel is 'healthier' than what your vet has prescribed, and on what grounds? Obviously if I were to try and list all the foods in the world in order of 'healthiness' I would struggle, because a 'healthy' diet differs massively from cat to cat (I know next to nothing about your cat) and juggles a lot of criteria (it is not linear, possibly even for cats with FLUTD). Most owners and vets will settle for one that meets the patient's medical needs and which they enjoy. It is likely that more than one diet will meet these criteria based on scientific evidence, but if you feel that one diet may be significantly better than the diet that you are feeding, this is definitely something to ask your vet about.  I would advise taking any evidence that you have found along with you, and asking if they can specifically research this, or point you in the direction of a referral (ie specialists) opinion on the matter. We cannot advise you about feeding a cat that isn't our patient, but it seems premature to move vets until you have had this conversation with your own vets and understood the advantages and disadvantages of each food from their perspective.  They may, in some cases, refer you to a rep. For cats with FLUTD, an important aspect of care is that they drink enough water, so soaking biscuits / experimenting with different water bowls or fountains may be beneficial too. I hope that something here helps.
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