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Seizures in cat

Published on: July 11, 2021 • By: spooky · In Forum: Cats
July 11, 2021 at 07:08am
Hi All I am looking for advice and anyone is welcome to share similar stories and outcomes. My 4 y/o female spayed cat had multiple seizures yesterday ranging from a few minutes to around 8 minutes. We took her to the vet and kept her there on seizure watch and she it now almost 30 hours seizure free. She had all sorts of blood work sent out as well as given seizure medication and a strong antibiotic to treat infection because her white blood cell count is high. Leaving the vet we have so many questions because all of the blood and urinary work will take a while to come back. The only possibilities the vets could think of are FIP, and toxoplasmosis. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be at cause? We have two other cats and I’m stressing over their well-being too. pictures are of her treatment and prognosis/care plan. Tyia and so sorry for the long post484AFA28-FC83-49B6-8CCD-6FF238396C13339BC72F-185E-4D91-8507-6C050962696D
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 11, 2021 at 10:20am
Hello!  - and I'm sorry that you and your cat are clearly having an extremely stressful time.  Seizures can be overwhelming to witness, not to mention having to process the enormous list of differential diagnosis (possible diagnosis), test results and so on that can often roll quickly off a vets' tongue. You say that you understood that your vet could only think of FIP or Toxoplasmosis, but it may be a good idea to clarify what they meant, as it says in the written information they provide that the causes can be varied, including intracranial, extracranial or stroke / neoplasia, congential abnormality or trauma and that to find out more, further investigations would be needed. I wonder if they meant, FIP and Toxo are the only things left that they could test for, without doing an MRI, or something like that?  I'm puzzled, but your next step would clearly be to speak to them with a pen and paper in your hand, and ask the following questions:   1) What could it still be?   2) what would you need to do to rule these out?   3) What would they recommend that you do next. Best of luck and please let us know how it goes.
July 11, 2021 at 06:19pm
Hi again, thank you for your response.  They are currently thinking it is an infection due to white blood cell counts being high, but aside from that the only other diagnosis that they made seem a possibility we’re fip and toxo due to her vitals upon arrival and through the 24hrs.  I definitely could’ve missed something throughout the several phone calls with the vet, my head was spinning ever since the first seizure and I couldn’t keep up with a lot of what the vet was saying.  Should I be worried for the safety of my other two cats?  What would be contagious that the vets may be thinking is at cause?  They just said they don’t know what it is so they can’t rule it out but I have really bad anxiety and like to read up on all of the different possibilities so that I have a better idea of warning signs for complications and behavior.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 11, 2021 at 11:02pm
Hello!  I've been checking our blog and the 'Can cats have seizures' article has a link through to Toxo and FIP which also have good information.  However, there are many variables involved and it sounds as though more information specific to your cats, is what's needed at this point; in the absence of certainty, speculation can be incredibly painful.  Feeling for you and we hope that the exact problem and progression are soon identified, in order that you have some solid information to base plans on for your cats' healthcare from here.  Please do let us know !
September 16, 2021 at 09:24pm
Hello, my cat (age 11) was recently diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy (MRI and other tests showed no cause of seizures). Sorry I didn't start a new thread, I couldn't see how to... For several months, he's been on Clonazepam, Keppra AND Pregabalin.  Just 1 or 2 of these drugs didn't control the seizures. He has been seizure-free, but is really just a completely different cat. Sedated, yet just wanders back and forth, with his tail down. He eats whatever is put in front of him and has gained weight. Completely food-motivated. He is sometimes aggressive with my other cat. Bottom line, he doesn't seem very "happy" and I just wonder how long he can handle all these drugs. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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