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Senior dog tremors

Published on: January 19, 2023 • By: jcwilde1 · In Forum: Dogs
January 19, 2023 at 11:10pm
Our 14 year old beagle border collie mix has started developing these mini seizures or tremors. Her body shakes for a couple of seconds, sometimes losing her balance but not falling over. I have got one episode on video, it is only 8 seconds long. https://photos.app.goo.gl/HrJrg7kqzMXkAJnTA Anyhow, she has lumps (developed in the past year) and otherwise seems happy. These shakes and tremors seem to happen every day, sometimes a couple times a day and mostly when she is standing unattentive. She goes on miles of walks a day and never seems to happen when she is paying attention to things. Thoughts on what could be happening?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 20, 2023 at 09:59am
Hello.  Having read your written description only, I wonder whether your dog could be having seizures, or tremours associated with her parasympathetic system.  It used to be thought that if a dog didn't fall over then they couldn't be having a fit, but it turns out that brain activity is more complex than that and so-called 'mini-seizures' are quite common and can have a range of causes.  Epilepsy is genetic and commonly starts between 1 and 3 years; as neuro patients get older, we wonder more about changes in the body affecting the brain.  For example, hypoglycaemia is a reduction in blood sugar to the brain when the body can't properly regulate insulin.  Liver changes can affect the nerves and cancer - malignant or benign - is not unusual. Your vet can't see what's going on in there from the outside, but they can give your dog a neurogical exam whereby they quantify any changes.  They will also take a thorough history and list the most likely causes.  Together you can decide whether further blood tests and / or trial treatment or even MRI scans, would be helpful or desirable.  A lot of people decline MRI scans because of the cost, but there are other approaches.  Wishing you the best of luck.
January 20, 2023 at 02:09pm
Thank you for the reply. She did recently have a bunch of blood tests and all the results came back fine, although I am unsure what they were testing for. I will see about an MRI, the reason we hadn't done more is because she is 14 and it isn't like we are going to have surgery at her age so we thought there wasn't any reason other than "knowing".
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 20, 2023 at 03:07pm
You may have put your finger on the ultimate question there, as regards any diagnostic test:  will the outcome change what we do?
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