Home Forums Cats Skin lesion

Skin lesion

Published on: July 27, 2023 • By: Imane · In Forum: Cats
July 27, 2023 at 10:27pm
I have a 7 month old male cat non spayed, defleeced once a month, indoor outdoor, dewormed, but not vaccinated. He started showing these skin lesions about a month now, they dont look infected, no leaking just scabs, around the left eye and another lesion on the nose. What could it be??
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 28, 2023 at 08:20pm
Hello - they sound like fly bites; perhaps it's an unusual place for fleas.  Other diseases, including other parasites, fungal and autoimmune diseases, may also be worth consideration.   Very rarely, they may flare up a day or two later and it become obvious that they were a deeper than expected cat bite; tumours or demodex can rarely take us by surprise.  However, common things are common and we would advise heading to your vet in order that they can start to rule out the most likely culprits.
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