Home Forums Cats Skin rash/bleeding

Skin rash/bleeding

Published on: November 08, 2022 • By: brittzue2@gmail.com ยท In Forum: Cats
November 08, 2022 at 12:31am
My cat is an "only child" and 100% indoors, so he has virtually zero risk of catching anything, so never had any issues with him for the past 6 years. the last few weeks, I have notice what I thought were maybe some dry skin on his tummy and base/underside of his tail. Today I was giving tummy rubs and noticed that the rash on the stomach had def gotten worse and he has two patches of this rash plus matted blood on the inside of both hunches too. what could be going on? and, any home remedies that may help?? (Google keeps saying fleas, but I see no signs of him itching more, checked his fur for bugs, plus, how could he possibly have gotten fleas??) 20221107_174344 20221107_17435720221107_174413
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