Home Forums Cats Soap Sud Substance in Urine

Soap Sud Substance in Urine

Published on: September 13, 2022 • By: rvoreis · In Forum: Cats
September 13, 2022 at 08:53pm
Please help! My cat is urinating a substance that looks like soap suds. I fear this could be kidney problems. He is almost a year old, is acting normal and is producing urine so there is no signs of blockages. He is having issues using the litter box and has urinated in the strangest places like on the couch and bed. He has even urinated on me. I became concerned after noticing the soap sud substance in his urine after he used the litter box. Please help, what could be the issue?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 13, 2022 at 09:18pm
Hello!  I'm afraid that I can't identify the soap sud stuff from this distance, but everything else about your description makes me think of cystitis.  Urinating in strange places can be a sign of stress relating to territory, which is often a precursor to, or part of, cystitis.   My recomendation would be to try to capture a sample, ideally straight from an litter tray if your cat will use one, for your vet to take a look at (they will probably want to process the sample while it is very fresh).   If there aren't obvious 'soap suds' they still may find microscopic abnormalities within it, which may provide a clue.  It may also be worth having a read about the behavioural aspects of cystitis in case anything there rings a bell;  Sarah Caney, who writes for our blog and also for her own site, called icatcare, is an expert on cat behaviour and cystitis.   Finally, this is no substitute for a veterinary consultation and it sounds as though this would be an excellent idea.  Never wait for a cat to become ill before you pay attention to urinary signs.  Wishing you the best of luck.
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